Rick’s Resumé


red bullet Specific Expertise

  • Evaluation: Technology and Business Strategy
  • IT Project Management and Program Development
  • Follow Up: Training and Contracts
  • Sales and Marketing

Evaluation, Technology, and Strategy 

  • Researched available technology and reviewed product specifications and market trends to determine corporate technology strategy. I used my experience and contacts from 20 years in the industry to negotiate contracts with vendors and distributors.
  • Designed and managed installation of video editing systems, graphics systems, and network servers for multi-user video production installations.
  • Supervised integration and installation of in-house and client computer video editing and graphics systems.
  • Designed procedures to verify configuration and operation of hardware and software in support of the client’s goals.
  • Troubleshot hardware and software conflicts.
  • Worked on physical layouts and cabling plans for computers, audio, video, and networking. Specified and approved equipment and software purchases.


  • Assigned responsibilities to sales, demo, and engineering support people and tracked results in sales made, quotes given, and leads collected.
  • Hired and supervised technical personnel in audio, video, and computer areas and followed up to maintain employee satisfaction and ensure retention.
  • Managed customer service and support. Maintained very high levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty, reflected in continuing repeat sales and support.
  • Worked with salespeople and engineering staff to design client systems.
  • Advised sales people on strategy and tactics.
  • Reviewed quotes from sales people to verify compatibility and appropriateness of hardware and software quoted and profitability to the firm.

Follow-up: Training and Contracts 

  • Trained technicians and clients in multimedia technologies, audio, video, and computer technology from beginning to advanced topics. Trained employees and clients in using graphics software and hardware.
    (a) arranged joint marketing and sales events
    (b) negotiated dealer agreements
    (c) obtained beta release versions of current and proposed product lines for testing and evaluation
    (d) resolved difficult technical issues
    (e) handled difficult customer service problems.

Sales and Marketing

I am an experienced consultative technical sales professional. My experience is primarily in complex video editing systems for broadcast and post-production.

  • Managed the expansion of a dealership from sales-only to sales and service operation, including hiring and managing sales and support staff. I personally grew dealership sales from 0 to over $1 million in
    2 years.
  • Negotiated sales with senior executives at client organizations and with purchasing agents, and interpreted corporate and government purchasing regulations for all salespeople I managed.
  • Designed a detailed needs analysis form for salespeople to use to elicit information about the clients’ needs. I analyzed and advised clients on their hardware and software requirements, including networking and storage needs, and solved cross-platform integration issues.
  • Created innovative sales and service programs including
    • technology refresh contracts
    • technical support contracts and agreements to meet client needs for different levels of support
    • national support plans to support large client organizations.
  • Worked with marketing communications staff to develop sales and marketing tools such as questionnaires, Web materials, reference and feature lists, and created slides and gave presentations for conferences and seminars.


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